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Instructions for Journal Authors
The Journal of Ophthalmic Photography invites submission of original articles that deal with photography and diagnostic imaging in ophthalmology, as well as clinical and scientific papers of interest to the ophthalmic photographer. All manuscripts selected for publication are subject to peer review. Any material requiring major changes will be returned to the author(s) for revision, and may subsequently be edited. All materials accepted for publication will not be returned unless requested. Manuscripts and illustrations should be submitted in triplicate, and should be typed on 8 1/2 x 11" white bond paper, double spaced, with margins on all sides. A text file of the manuscript should be included, in either IBM or Macintosh format from any major word processing program. Organization of ContentTitle Page: The first page should contain the title of the article; each author’s full name, academic degrees or certifications by accrediting institutions; complete mailing address; telephone and facsimile numbers; E-mail (if available); address for reprint requests (if desired); acknowledgements of supporting organizations and/or grants. Abstract: The manuscript should include a synopsis concerning the topic under discussion. Key Words: Key words enable referencing services to index the subject matter contained in each article. A list of no more than eight topical words or terms should be provided. Text: All manuscripts should be carefully organized, beginning with a statement of significance or rationale for presenting the topic, the discussion, and a summary stating what has been learned or achieved from the work reported, followed by acknowledgements, and (when cited) list of references. The references should be numbered consecutively according to their appearance in the text. The incorporation of topical headings is suggested to facilitate logical presentation of information. When results from research studies are reported, the IMRAD format of information (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion) may be useful. Illustrations: Graphs, diagrams, or photographs should be submitted unmounted. Composite illustrations may be submitted mounted.
Figure Legends/Photo Captions: Must be submitted on a separate page. References: The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. The Uniform Requirements style (the Vancouver style) is based largely on an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard style adapted by the NLM for its databases. Avoid using abstracts as references. References to papers accepted but not yet published should be designated as "in press". Avoid citing a personal communication unless it provides essential information not available from a public source. Proprietary Statement: Readers deserve to be aware of possible biases that the authors may have due to commercial affiliations or proprietary interest. Whenever a manuscript concerns the description, use, or advocacy of a commercial product, the authors must include a statement describing any financial involvement (including employment and consultancies) they may have in relation to products mentioned in their manuscripts. If the article is published, a notice of financial disclosure will be included. Other Submissions: Letters to The Journal are welcome. If you have an opinion on what you have read, or wish to express your ideas on a method or a situation, please write to us! Indicate that the writing is being submitted as a letter to the editor. If you have an outstanding photograph of an interesting case, send in print(s) along with a brief description of the case for inclusion as a photographic case report. Only one copy of these other submissions is necessary. Address: Please send submissions to the Managing Editor or the Assistant Editor:
Copyright TransferLetter of Transmittal: No manuscript will be considered until a formal statement of authorship responsibility, and financial disclosure, and copyright transfer is received, even though submission of an article for publication automatically implies the transfer of copyright from the author to the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society, Inc. upon acceptance. A letter of transmittal, signed by each author, must accompany all manuscripts. This declaration should contain the following language: “In consideration of the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society Inc.’s taking action in reviewing and processing my (our) submitted manuscript (title of article), the author(s) hereby transfers copyright ownership to the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society, Inc. in the event that said work is published in The Journal of Ophthalmic Photography. I attest that I have sufficiently participated in the writing of this manuscript and take public responsibility for it. I certify that if I have any financial interest in any product discussed in this manuscript such affiliations are noted. This manuscript has not been published elsewhere, is not under simultaneous consideration by any other publication, and will not be submitted elsewhere without the consent of the Editor.” Use of Published Illustrations and Extended Quotations: Material published elsewhere cannot be reproduced in The Journal without permission from the publisher holding copyright. It is the responsibility of the author submitting an article for publication to obtain permission to reproduce illustrations or quotations that have been previously published. Reproduction of Material Appearing in The Journal of Ophthalmic Photography: Accepted papers become the permanent property of the Ophthalmic Photographers’ Society, Inc. and may not be reproduced by any means without consent from both the Society and the author(s) of the article. Permission to reproduce any portion of articles published in The Journal must be requested from the Editor in writing. ProductionFinal Proofing: After complete peer panel review, each author’s manuscript is desktop published using QuarkXpress. A PDF file of the article is emailed to the author. (Free Acrobat Reader is available at www.adobe.com/acrobat.) If the author does not have the capability to read a PDF file, a laser copy of the article can be faxed. Any final revisions must be promptly returned to the Production/Design Director:
Each author receives four (4) copies of The Journal in which his or her article appears. Any order for offprints must be prepaid prior to the press run.
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