Annual Meeting Scientific Paper Session
October 21-25, 2011
Orlando, Florida
General Information
- It is not necessary to present a paper in order to attend the Scientific Session.
- Accepted abstracts will be published in the session program.
- Acceptance / Rejection notices will be sent before September 24th, 2011.
- All papers must be presented orally during the Scientific Session.
- Presentations are limited to 8 minutes with an additional 2 minutes for questions.
First Author
- The First Author must be the presenting author.
- Please enter the author's name as it should appear in the session program.
- An e-mail address is required for electronic submissions.
Secondary Authors
- Up to five (5) secondary authors and their institutions will be listed in the session program.
Abstract or Case Description
- Abstracts must be in English.
- Abstracts must be typed in either 10 or 12 point font.
- Abstracts must fit within the space provided and will be reproduced "as is" from the forms.
- Abstracts must follow the standard format of Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions.
Abstract Submission
- Abstracts must be received by the Abstract Review Committee no later than 13 August 2011.
- "Submit" will cause your abstract to be forwarded to a committee member for review.